
Art Trade with Toppletip

I had an art trade with my IRL friend of mine. She doesn't have a twitter but she has an IG account: @toppletip (turns out she locks her account lol). I offered this art trade because she said she never had an art trade with anyone. I did that with this pity feeling #slap

Let's trace back how we chose the themes................................

Feb 19th *summarized*

me: what's the theme?
she: furry?
me: pls no furry >.<
she: hmmmmm
she: then what?
me: is this ur first time?
she: yes I am. sorry hun
she: how 'bout we play quizzes like 'what mythical creatures are you?', then we combine our result with our OC?
me: nice
she: no one wants to have an art trade with me. they're lazy T^T
she: dammit
she: EWWWW
she: wait a minute

*bunch of quizzes and answers given to each other. I'll shortening this because the chat is very long*

she: CUY (cuy in Indonesia means 'hey')
she: DO THIS! *gave the quiz*
me: oh 7 sins. lemme do that
me: fck. I get lust
she: the same.
me: wow cool
she: nope. it has to be different! retry the quiz
me: *waiting*
she: *gave the answer with all sins have highest score*
me: that'
she: FYACK WKWKWKWKWK (u know what is this. we're from "wkwkwk land" what do you expect?)
me: so will you try another quiz or what?
she: let's use this
she: combine with the previous
me: with the mythical creature?
me: sexy phoenix armor will do ;)
she: holy shiet WKWKWKWKWK
she: combine all of them
me: so I draw ur oc, power, mythical creature, and...?
she: wrath
me: wrath is it?
she: or sloth?
she: what do you think the most similar to me?
me: by drawing it's a wrath
me: by personality mostly a sloth wkwkwk
she: -_- is it?
me: the truest of all
she: lemme become sloth
she: wait it's the unlikely one by the quiz. dammit
she: pride then.
she: you will draw my oc with alchemist god, unicorn, and pride
she: I will draw ur oc with IRL game, phoenix, and lust
she: done
me: yeah

^ look how long the chat just to choose the theme. It's even summarized. I wonder how long if the chat isn't summarized.

In short, we did the art trade with A4 size, half body, and colored. Because she is busy with her 'poor' internship, it took MORE THAN A MONTH to finished hers. I understand that...

March 25th, she finally finished it

my piece to her:
Emirida the Pride Unicorn

I really don't know how to show the 'prime' except self narcissism with mirror and royalty clothes. I also experiment the colors here using some color palette technique I found in twitter months ago. I think the color palette technique best used for environment illustration.

her piece to me:
Matryoshka the Lust Phoenix lost my words...
The hair detail is good. It reminds me of Moebius line style..........
Seems like her coloring style is changed again, eh? I'm fine with it.

After we exchanged our art, I finally realized something

We forget to put the power here

is it just me or she is forgetting that too?

anyway, all is well.

Peace out!

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